My Utopia
In this new millenium with it's multitude of choices, competing styles and taste, it is absolutely essential that we each as individuals take time to evaluate who we are, what makes us comfortable, and how we want to project our identity to our friends and the world at large. From the clothes that we wear, the music that we fill our space with, the style that we choose for our home furnishings, the colours that resonate with our psyche - we must filter all of our external influences and distill our personal style. It's all about being comfortable in our own skin! What works for our friends may absolutely not work for ourselves and it's so important to recognize this. Our confidence, and a little soul searching, will be our best guide to establishing a personal style that tells the world who we are and helps them to better understand us, while at the same time allowing us the freedom to be happy in our own surroundings. If "Red" is your thing - run with it and make it your credo. If the neutrality of "white" or "Beige" allows you to have flexibility - then make that your statement. Forget the trends of fashion, and follow your inner self toward a lifelong individual style that will set you apart. Many of our most iconic figures are as much memorable for their personal style, as for their various talents. Think Diana Vreeland, Cole Porter, Noel Coward, Liz Taylor, Madonna, Andy Warhol, and Maria Callas - "You Have To Have A Look"! If you're true to your heart, your look will be both special and a comfortable place for you to inhabit. A place where everyone around you will also be made to feel comfortable and happy to be in your company. So let today be the first moment of an incredible journey to you - a place that you create and the whole world wants to be a part of....
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